What is Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) and how does it work? - Zenvia What is Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) and how does it work? - Zenvia

What is Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) and how does it work?

Learn more about Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO), safe username and password management on a single authentication portal.

Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO)

Nowadays, most websites require some form of authentication to access resources and content. With the growing number of sites and services, a centralized log-in system has become necessary to control information and offer security to those accessing it.

SSO (Single Sign-On) is a practice recommended to companies seeking to increase their layers of security and to simplify the management of corporate users.

The goal is to establish the identity of the user and then share this information with each subsystem that requires such data, without jeopardizing confidentiality.

And how does SSO work in practice?

Single Sign-On is aimed at recognizing the user’s identity and then sharing this information with each subsystem that requires such data, that is, it shares information on sessions in different domains. 

Different SSO protocols share session information in different ways, though the concept is the same: there is a central domain, through which authentication is shared among the different applications linked to the SSO.

For example, the central domain may generate an assigned JSON Web Token (JWT), which can be encrypted using JSON Web Encryption (JWE). This token can then be allocated to a client and used by the authentication domain, along with any other domain. 

The token can be allocated to the original domain by redirecting it and contains all the information necessary to identify the user of the domain that requires authentication. As the token is assigned, it cannot be modified in any way by the client.

Whenever users access a domain that requests authentication, they are redirected to the authentication domain. As users are already logged into this domain, they can immediately be redirected to the original domain with the necessary authentication token.

SSO solves a major problem: how to manage the growing number of users in an entire ecosystem of applications and services. Single Sign-On is here to stay. Decentralized systems are increasingly common and authentication is an important aspect of them all.

Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) is available to Zenvia clients

Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) is the newest security solution by ZENVIA geared towards companies that access some of our products.

As we’ve seen, SSO is aimed at offering companies a single log-in experience, that is, the user provides their username and password only once when logging on to a platform and will not have to provide this information again when accessing tools and platforms for channels already integrated into SSO. Additionally, access is via the corporate domain.

The many benefits include simplified access management and auditing, no longer having to manage several passwords, greater agility in accessing platforms and reduced workload for help desk teams.

This courtesy solution is a new product by Zenvia that is available to our clients using the following platforms: ZENVIA Chat, Zenvia Flow, Zenvia Campaign and Sirena.

Reach out to our sales team to learn more about Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO).

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