Turismo e Hotelaria
Atendimento ao Cliente
De 11 a 100 funcionários
24/7 WhatsApp Support
Scalability and Automation of Service
50% Productivity Gains
C2C Services is a company based in Belo Horizonte that specializes in specialized customer service outsourcing with a focus on travel and tourism. Founded in 2015, it offers teams and infrastructure to enhance its clients’ customer service. One of its differentiators is operating outside business hours. Thus, C2C Services offers a viable and quality option for providing 24-hour support, preventing its clients’ passengers from being unsupported at critical moments of the trip, such as when they are at the airport and encounter flight problems or when they arrive at the hotel and the reservation is not found.
To organize multiple client interactions with their respective contacts, with an omnichannel service system. “Imagine managing 50 email inboxes. It’s unfeasible,” explains Josimar Santos, co-founder and CTO of C2C Services. Initially, they sought another solution from the market but were frustrated with the dollar value and the need to pay more and more to unlock access to essential features for their operation. That’s when they started researching an alternative and found Zenvia.
Josimar shares that before adopting Zenvia, he harbored some apprehension, fearing that the migration could result in an irreversible commitment. He wanted to verify the authenticity of the promises made. In the end, he assesses that reality exceeded his expectations. In addition, the quality of support provided by the Zenvia team and the diverse range of customization options also proved to be decisive factors that substantially contributed to the satisfaction achieved with the solution.
In addition to automating the email inboxes of various clients, the official integration with WhatsApp Business was also an important feature for C2C Services’ operational and service scale. For Josimar, WhatsApp is one of his most efficient channels. This is because it allows the customer to receive immediate assistance in a difficult and stressful moment, such as when their flight is canceled, for example. The initial message introducing themselves and asking what the problem is proves to be a better alternative than waiting in a phone queue. The co-founder explains the importance of Zenvia’s integration with WhatsApp, allowing easy access to the application without necessarily needing a mobile device, the interaction of more than one agent in the same conversation, and even the quick intervention of a supervisor, if necessary. These are essential functionalities for improving communication flow and increasing team productivity. With a large volume of contacts made through this channel, centralizing all conversations in one place and speeding up customer service are of great importance. To give you an idea, in the first 5 months of 2022, C2C Services made almost 8000 customer service interactions solely through WhatsApp. Other possibilities for use “From my perspective, I want to use Zenvia wherever I can,” declares the CTO. He explains that the system is used not only to provide customer service to the contracting client’s customers but also to solve problems related to C2C’s operation with agencies through customer service and, finally, as a way to record the work done, almost like a back office. Since their service billing model is per customer interaction, organizing tickets within the system facilitates this process, ensuring a record of everything that has been done and that no information will be lost. Thus, it is possible to calculate the final price of the service, based on the number of interactions performed. And there’s more: the contracting agency can access all the tickets generated in interactions, enabling greater visibility and transparency in C2C Services’ relationship with its clients.
Since C2C Services mainly extends the customer service of contracting agencies, a problem they faced was the large number of tickets received that were not their responsibility, either because they were already resolved or because they arrived during traditional business hours. To give you an idea of this demand, in April 2022 alone, over 177,000 tickets were opened, against almost 7500 attended. This difference of over 170,000 represents interactions that did not require action from C2C Services. Manually closing each of these interactions would generate a huge waste of the team’s time. However, with trigger configuration in Zenvia, this process is done automatically. The CTO estimates that Zenvia’s automation features generate about a 50% gain in his team’s productivity. They currently have around 500 triggers set up to perform automatic functions and improve consultants’ workflow. For Josimar, Zenvia is like the lungs of his operation today, without which it would function with great difficulty. “It’s impossible to imagine customer service without Zenvia today,” he concludes.
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