ZENVIA CONVERSION BUTTONS, the widget for WhatsApp that will bring you closer to your clients than ever before

Learn how you can use Zenvia Conversion’s WhatsApp Buttons to make it easier for customers to contact you.

At Zenvia Conversion, we noticed that most companies already understand the importance of moving their communication with customers to WhatsApp, but they still have room for improvement when it comes to managing and monitoring that communication. That’s why we created Zenvia Conversion Buttons, a tool that facilitates the agile, familiar communication that today’s consumers expect.

Botones de WhatsApp

The phenomenon that is WhatsApp Business is visible everywhere. Just walking down the street you’ll see how many businesses are using WhatsApp: wherever you walk you’re sure to see signs with the company’s contact information.

On the other side of the counter, customers live in an environment of instant answers. They are no longer willing to wait; they require answers immediately. That’s why it’s so important to follow up in a way that matches their needs. Messages should be quick and frictionless. Tools that were once successful, like email and contact forms, have a serious disadvantage when compared to an app that already has more than 2 billion users worldwide.

The phenomenon is undeniable: the future of marketing is conversational. But work needs to be done to make it easier for customers to contact companies more efficiently.

Zenvia Conversion Buttons: An instant connection to your customers

At Zenvia Conversion we came up with a solution to this challenge. Zenvia Conversion Buttons are a way to help encourage customers to easily contact you through WhatsApp. With just a click of a button on your website your clients can contact you through WhatsApp to start a conversation.

You can install the floating button on your website by clicking here. Soon you’ll also be able to add banners, links for your social media, QR codes, and even a button for your Google ad campaigns.

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A professional, easy to use solution

When we decided to create this tool, we had a very clear idea of the objective: create a widget that was easy to implement. This last part was quite a challenge: developing an attractive, practical product for businesses that could be installed easily by someone with no knowledge of coding or design.

One of the things we did to address that challenge was to offer the installation code so that the head of the company could install the button, but also the option to email the code to a developer. We think that these types of details are important for product adoption.

As you can see on the platform, we divided the buttons into two main sections: buttons for websites and buttons for social media. That way you can measure WhatsApp interactions from each of those channels and monitor them to improve your results

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Nahuel Gomez