Tools for sales management: optimize your team’s processes and improve your routine

Check out the best tools available on the market for efficient sales management focused on productivity and results

In a technological society such as the one we live in, there are many solutions created with the objective of making our day easier and providing inputs to make assertive decisions. Within this scope, there are also tools for sales management.

This is because the breakthroughs that technology has provided do not allow companies to stand still when it comes to development.

In Brazil alone, the increase in consumption in digital media reached 81% in the period of isolation, and 72% in Latin America, according to Enext Consulting. In other words, it is necessary that the daily processes of companies walk in the same proportion (perhaps ahead) of the behavior of consumers to avoid becoming obsolete.

From simple functions, such as launching sales, for example, to complex automations, the market is equipped with dozens of possibilities and platforms. Solutions can vary according to the need, budget and the moment in which the company is.

Understanding the need for an update, for an effective sales management, the sales manager needs to have data in the palm of his/her hands to be able to make decisions and be able to pivot course if necessary. This is where the right choices of sales management tools come in.

Check out below some of the most used sales management tools in the market to help your commercial team’s daily routine:

Sales management tools: discover the possibilities

1 – CRM

Among the sales management tools, companies have increasingly used CRM (customer relationship management) software. Using the platform, the commercial team is able to centralize their sales and keep their history in the same place, and the systems also allow integration with other departments of the company.

In addition to centralizing all the information on the work of your sales team, the system helps the manager, extracting data for the analysis of his team’s performance.

With CRM, in real time, you will be able to understand how the individual salesperson or team is performing, how much was received in the period, what was the churn (order cancellation rate) and many other sales insights for your management.

Top CRMs on the market: RD Station CRM, Agendor, Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho and Ploomes.

2 – Sales pipeline

Another sales management tool, sales-oriented pipelines play a similar role to CRMs. Consequently, many of the CRMs we listed above also support this way of using it.

With sales pipelines, your team’s daily operations become more organized and more productive, as the tool was developed based on agile methodologies, for visual and intuitive work. At first glance, the concept of “journey” is clear, evidencing that each card in the columns “needs” to be passed to the next stage until completion.

As with CRMs, the tool also enables the extraction and handling of data for decision-making and the development of strategic plans.

Main sales pipelines on the market: Pipedrive, Piperun and Fleeg.

3 – Pipeline for projects

Project pipelines follow the same principle as sales pipelines, however, it is important to be very careful, as each one has specific ways of using it.

Speaking of management in general, pipelines with projects in mind aim to contribute to the development of daily activities so that the manager is aware of the activities that are under development. In addition, the systems make it possible to add people to ongoing projects for team or cross-departmental engagement resulting in increased productivity.

Main pipelines for projects on the market: Trello,, Asana and Jira.

4 – Tools for Business Intelligence

Thinking about the manager’s routine, there is always at the end of the main periods (months, quarters, semester, year, etc.) the task of presenting the reports and detailing how the periods in question were. It is really worthwhile at this point to invest a little more in more structured reports and dashboards, which can provide a more clarified reading of the data presented. It is one of the most important sales management tools.

Some tools on the market allow this handling and the result obtained helps in decision-making and in its justification.

Main Data Platforms on the market: Power BI, Google Data Studio, Adobe Analytics, Tableau and Dashgoo.

5 – Spreadsheet

Last but not least, we have the good old, classic spreadsheet. Its use, even today, is indispensable and many of the other tools listed here have features with it.

Working with spreadsheets allows for good handling and storage of data, which is very important for the daily operations of the commercial team, and its formulas solve equations quickly, which is undoubtedly a great way to work and handle this information.

Spreadsheets have not become obsolete and have been updated, always bringing new formulas and possibilities to improve the routine work. Undoubtedly, it is a fundamental tool for the sales team and the manager.

The main spreadsheets available on the market are Microsoft’s Excel and Google’s Sheets.

Which sales management tool should I bet on?

The sales management tools presented are available to smooth our routine and make the management process more dynamic and always focused on data intelligence for accurate decisions that result in greater profitability. However, some require more expertise than others for their handling (it is worth a deeper understanding of which tools meet your company’s demand).

When we think about sales management platforms, the main benefit we need to explore is data. Bet on platforms that allow easier reading of information, which provide better guidelines for effective strategies and decision-making.

Meet Zenvia Conversion, Zenvia’s Sales CRM

Zenvia Conversion is the sales platform that centralizes all your customers’ messages from the main social networks (WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger) in one place.

In addition to helping your sales team to better serve your customers, Zenvia Conversion also has essential reports to help you in your day to day operations.

Count on an intuitive dashboard, sharing and transfer of service between more than one salesperson and have much more sales, working with data and information in real time.

Zenvia Conversion has a 7-day free trial. Sign up now and enjoy your trial period.

Escrito por

Anderson Anjos

Formado em Publicidade e Propaganda, amante de Marketing Digital, Inbound e café. Atualmente Analista de Marketing na Zenvia
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