The pillars of good customer service + 3 key tips

Discover the main pillars and tips of customer service and how to apply the best practices within your business!

Discover the main pillars and tips of customer service and how to apply the best practices within your business!

Taking care of customer service is a task that every company needs to dedicate itself to. This is because the support offered to consumers is crucial in business relationships, helping to improve any weaknesses and enhance results. In addition, customer service is an institutional challenge that builds the image of the business, a corporate mirror for the public.

Knowing the pillars of good customer service is one of the first steps towards offering the contact your customers need. Based on this, it is worth understanding more about the concept of service and its importance.

The concept of customer service

The concept of customer service is the fundamental foundation of a good experience with a brand and, as a result, customer loyalty.

The underlying idea of ​​customer service is to offer the best consumer experience, in addition to helping solve problems and answer questions. So developing this skill within your company is a great strategy to maintain popular interest in what you have to offer.

Undoubtedly, good service is what sets brands apart in a market as competitive as today’s. It’s no longer a difference maker, but a basic requirement if you want to succeed and keep growing.

Why is customer service so important?

This interaction with consumers is a priority, as it shows goodwill, efficiency and the company’s willingness to anticipate and solve problems. It’s about delighting your customer by exceeding their expectations.

Quality customer service is important as it is one of the decisive factors to retaining your company’s customers. Furthermore, loyal customers tend to make brand referrals and give enthusiastic feedback to others.

For example, according to data from the Statista portal, many customers value a good service experience as the main point when making a purchase. Around 33% of consumers say that one of the most important aspects of customer service is having their problem solved in a single interaction, regardless of how long it takes to solve the problem.

Negative reviews are key points in the decision process of new consumers, especially online. A MOZ survey found that almost 67% of customers are impacted when they read bad reviews about other people’s experiences. So making your customers feel wanted and well attended is essential for your business to succeed, as it leads to fewer criticisms or reservations about your company’s services and products.

Pillars of good customer service

To guarantee a good relationship, both in person and online, it is important to not only have a general notion of customer service, but to also know the pillars that structure a quality service.

Understand the demand

To optimize your service and please your consumers, it is very important to listen and understand what the customer is communicating. Regardless of whether it is a complaint or just a question, it is essential that you show up and carefully understand the demand in order to resolve it as efficiently as possible.

In addition, understanding demand helps the business to plan efficiently. After all, there is no point in offering quality service when there is a long list of other complaints to be dealt with. Always try to find the best way and solve problems quickly, without passing them around.

Know the benefits

It should be understood that offering good customer service is a two-way street. Delivering a quality experience for your customers goes beyond simply providing a pleasant interaction, it’s essential for your business development.

By solving problems and ensuring a good experience, you prevent criticism and build loyalty, thus increasing the chances of continuing this relationship and your brand being recommended to others.

Practice personalization

Unsurprisingly, personalization is a strength for any strategy, and it’s no different when it comes to customer service.

Customers are looking for more than just ready-made or rehearsed phrases – it is necessary to offer a more humanized conversation, which demonstrates that the brand understands the person they’re speaking to.

To put this into practice, it’s worth trying to predict your customer’s behavior, such as their next question or criticism. This way, you can delight them by being proactive in your answers.

Also, adopting personalization in your approach is crucial to brand building. After all, the customer will assimilate that service as a characteristic of the company.

Adopt automation

Speed ​​is of utmost importance when it comes to customer service. A long wait is very frustrating for the consumer and essential to avoid. That’s why automation is so advantageous, especially when it comes to online service.

Being available right away makes all the difference to a customer who is dissatisfied with some aspect of their purchase. This makes chatbots ideal for optimizing your platform and providing faster service. When the customer sees that their questions are answered immediately, they will be more comfortable to discuss their problem with the brand.

Sending a text message is also a great automated impact strategy, as it is possible to reach 100% of users with short messages of up to 160 characters. For an even better customer service experience, try a multi-channel service platform. With Zenvia Chat, for example, you can integrate text messaing, email, WhatsApp, calls and other communication channels in one place.

3 key tips for quality service

In order to have quality customer service, it is important to keep in mind some points about approaching your customer. By putting a few tips into practice, you can offer quality service that meets your customers’ preferences.


Always try to be fast and dynamic when serving your customers. A long wait can be an incredible nuisance, so try not to add to your customer’s frustrations.


Pay attention to what your customer says and look to understand their doubts and problems so that they feel welcomed.


Be empathetic with your audience and understand when they need your attention to feel more comfortable and have a better experience.

Learn how to achieve excellence in customer service

Now that you know the pillars of good customer service, be sure to check out our post on excellence in customer servicej, with information and several tips that will teach you how to attract and retain your customers.

Also, be sure to check out content on Zenvia’s blog to stay on top of all the news about conversational marketing and the digital market.

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