How to Create a WhatsApp Broadcast List: Tips and Step by Step

A WhatsApp Business broadcast list saves time and reduces the margin of error in bulk communications.

Can you imagine sending hundreds of messages to your clients in just a few clicks? Keep reading to learn how to create a distributions list for WhatsApp Business, some best practices, and the limitations of the feature.

Sending messages to all your clients via WhatsApp and responding to each one individually is one of the advantages of WhatsApp’s broadcast lists.

With this resource, you can send messages simultaneously to all the contacts on your list.

What is a “New list” in WhatsApp?


The broadcast list is simply a list of your WhatsApp contacts.

In WhatsApp Business, you can use a broadcast list to send messages to all your leads at the same time.

However, the app documentation gives us some important information: messages will only be delivered to recipients who have your number saved to their phones.

If a contact has not received your broadcast message, you’ll need to ask them to check that they have your number saved. Difficult to do for each individual client, right?

After sending a message, the recipients will receive your message as if it was a regular individual message.

That means that when your contacts respond to you, you’ll receive a message from each one, also individual messages, in the CONVERSATIONS tab.

The difference between a group and a WhatsApp broadcast message

Actually, WhatsApp has two options that allow  you to send messages to more than one recipient at once.

  • Groups
  • Broadcast lists

Groups are like chatrooms where people can see all information published.

Even when the group is silenced and configured so that only the administrator can publish, it is still collective.

That means this option is better suited to business that are related to smaller, closer communities. They are ideal for communications and for responding to questions.

On the other hand, broadcast lists send the same message individually to each user, without them  knowing that anyone else has received it.

The other recipient not only can’t interact, but also can’t find out information about the others.

This means that businesses that want to invest in the best techniques for WhatsApp Marketing should prioritize the broadcast list feature.

How to create a broadcast list for WhatsApp Business


WhatsApp Business is a tool oriented toward the corporate environment.

The broadcast list is one of the most important features in this area because it facilitates segmented communication. And that is, without a doubt, a key part of a marketing strategy.

With the list, you can access leads privately, but the messages will be sent at the same time. However, a broadcast list has  a limit of 256 contacts

To create a broadcast list, follow these steps:

  1. On the main WhatsApp Business page, select the three dots symbol in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose the “New list” option
  3. Search for or select the contacts you want to add.

When confirmed, a list will be created and you can send any message you want.

When you do, each message will appear in a WhatsApp chat window.

Precautions when using a WhatsApp Business broadcast list

You can make the most of this feature by keeping  these important attributes in mind:

Organization and segmentation

You should keep in mind which contacts should be in the broadcast  list. This means the creation of various lists, segmenting leads and using different language and approaches, is the ideal route.

These leads can be in different stages of the sales funnel. You can group them by profile, relationship stage, and other related characteristics.


It is essential to plan the messages and possible answers you’ll receive from your contacts.

It’s recommended to use interactive messages  that will spark interest  and make it easier to begin a conversation.

Maintaining the flow and consistency, with periodic frequently, will strengthen the strategy.

Relevant and attractive content

The major advantage of WhatsApp is being able to send different types of content, such as videos, links, and documents.

To put in another way, it is an interesting way to offer relevant content to your clients through links, and thereby increase their interaction.


The success of WhatsApp Marketing depends on the level of professionalism used.

This means that guaranteeing contact privacy and avoiding exaggerations in your communications is indispensable.

Leverage mass messages on WhatsApp

Sending messages using a WhatsApp broadcast list saves time and resources, in addition to reducing the margin for possible errors.

But you need to comply with the application’s strict policies.

That’s why  it’s essential to have a platform that has an official integration with WhatsApp, to ensure efficiency and security.

With the Zenvia Conversion app, you can send 500 messages a day, double what you can send with WhatsApp!

The configuration of lists and messages is simple and intuitive. You can also choose between using a contact name or a greeting at the beginning of the message.

On top of that, it is a safe way to avoid having your account blocked, since Zenvia Conversion works with templates that have been pre-approved by WhatsApp.

And on top of that: the messages will be delivered even if clients don’t have your contact saved.

With Zenvia Conversion, you’ll achieve a much higher number of contacts reached!

Meet Zenvia Conversion and use it to level up your communication!

Escrito por

Nahuel Gomez

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