7 web tools to improve communication with your clients

If you knew that 8 out of 10 consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience, what would you change about your website?

If you knew that 8 out of 10 consumers were prepared to pay more for a better experience, what changes would you make to your web site? What would you add? In this article we’ll tell you which plugins are best and include two that are based on your users’ preferred communication networks.

60% of all management problems are the result of poor communication.

The originator of that statement is Peter Drucker, management theorist par excellence, who was likely referring to a company’s internal culture. However, it remains relevant in 2019, the era of digital communication with our clients.

Let me tell you a story…


Recently, my wife felt she needed a new cell phone. She wanted the latest model, with more memory and a better camera. Her phone was fine, but the market was clearly overflowing with many more advanced devices.

It’s the old story of planned obsolescence.

So she started to do some research, compare phones, prices, brands, and an endless lists of feature, until she found a few models that checked all the boxes: quality, price, and looks .

But there was one technical aspect she had a few remaining questions about. Who better than a trained salesperson trained to her questions and convince her to buy?

There’s the rub. There was no chat available online, and the only way too contact the company was a phone number, during business hours only.

She tried a different site where they answered her questions via online chat and offered shipping in under 24 hours after completing the transaction.

Who did she end up buying from?

She made her purchase from the business that was able to accomodate her. In fact, the second company was selling the same phone for a little bit more than the first, and even so, she valued the service she received.

We’re not the only ones pointing this out…

Research by ThinkJar showed that 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience.

We see this in airline travel and the hotel industry, examples of areas where upselling with a better experience generatesmore income and builds customer loyalty.

Why does your website need to communicate with clients?

According to Think with Google, there’s something called micro-moments.

What are micro-moments?

Basically, they are points of contact where a sale is made or lost, especially because clients expect a brand to satisfy their needs with relevant information.

No matter what time it is.

No matter where they are.

Every time a user needs information, they pick up their cell phone to do research in the moment.

That’s true for 96% of web users!

Of course, only successful brands anticipate and correctly handle the needs of their users in these micro-moments, by providing the applicable information.

For example, did you know that according to Gartner, by 2020, more than 85% of communications between clients and brands will be done without a human agent?

In other words, there are still some people who need customer service representatives, but 40% of consumers have said they prefer doing it for themselves.

This was confirmed by Zendesk, who found that 50% of clients think it is crucial to have the ability to answer questions themselves without having to go through an external agent.

Another study, this time from One Reach, found that 64% of consumers prefer solutions via text over calling customer service.

We want everything to be instantaneous without losing out on efficiency!

Do you know what’s the worst?

It’s likely that a lot of companies don’t know where they’re failing. According to the study we mentioned by ThinkJar, 91% of unsatisfied clients don’t complain. They simply leave.

How can we improve our communication with potential clients?

Web plugins!

What are plugins for?

One of the things that makes WordPress a magnificent platform for creating a blog is its flexibility and ability to adapt to any need.

And it does this by using plugins.

Plugins are applications that contain a group of functions that help improve a site in a certain area.

There are plugins for design, statistics, email marketing, social media, security, backups, web traffic, e-commerce, and more…

If we’re just talking about the official WordPress.org collection, there are more than 25,000 plugins. This means that whatever you need, it’s likely that there is a plugin that will provide it.

Now that you have a sense of what plugins are for…

Let’s say, for example, that we want a plugin for social media for WordPress. There are buttons for sharing content on the RRSS, icons with links, landing pages, and more.

It’s not a question of plugins vs. chatbot, since at the end of they day they are variations on the same theme.

Okay, but…

Why WordPress?

Let’s be honest…

There are more and more websites built with WordPress. They have increased their market percentage to a global scale, and even more so if you count pages with CMS.

In this case, we’re talking about the more than 60% of the total pages that use a CMS.

In total, WordPress represents 23.4% of  total web pages, and 60.7% of web pages with a CMS.

The thing is that there are over 25,000 web plugins…how to choose the right ones?

That’s why we created a list of our top 7 recommendations. Shall we get started?

7 web tools to improve communication with your clients

  • Plugin for a Contact Form

At this point you may be aware that we are big fans of automated processes for conversational marketing.

And that’s not without reason…

A study from Amadeus IT, a company that provides technology solutions  for the travel industry, shows that personalizing the virtual experience with live chats increased the conversion rate from search to purchase by 211%.

But having a contact form is an opportunity to attract high-quality potential clients, because you can qualify leads, reduce costs, make the process more agile, and improve data collection and analysis.


You built a site that’s a veritable work of art. Logo, About Us, a little e-commerce store, menu, blog. Everything as it should be.

That’s where Contact Form 7 comes in, a popular free plugin that generates a basic, trustworthy contact form.

The plugin includes documentation, frequently asked questions, a support forum, and a website with information.

You can use it to create unlimited forms, with fields such as URL, email, and text.

  • A Plugin for Facebook Messenger

Did you know that 1.3 billion people use Facebook Messenger every  month?


Contrary to what you might think, only 31% of businesses use this channel to communicate with potential clients.

To put that in perspective, this is a channel where 8 billion messages ? are sent every  month between consumers and companies.

In fact, a survey by Nielsen showed that Facebook Messenger is the second most popular form of communication among clients when it comes to interacting with a business.

What is the best plugin for this? FB Customer Chat Plugin with Autowelcome Responses, which works for any type of business, whether or not you have an online store.

It’s simple enough: add a Facebook Messenger chat on the pages you choose within your website.

When you install it, you’ll need to add information in the plugin’s form. Then you choose how the chat window will look, the pages it wil appear on, and set up a few pre-defined answers for when someone contacts you.

Just imagine that a client has a complaint, goes to your website, and is able to resolve the issue via chat in under five minutes.

It’s likely that the good experience will translate into future purchases, thanks to the great work in building customer loyalty.

  • The best WhatsApp plugin

Remember that we said that Facebook Messenger is the second most popular form of communication among clients?

That’s right, we’re going to talk about the king…

WhatsApp has more than 1.5 billion users, and over 60 billion messages sent a day.

In Latin America, 64% of users with smartphones have WhatsApp installed, according to Corporación Latinobarómetro.

At Zenvia Conversion, we designed the best WhatsApp plugin for WordPress, which we offer for free and allows you to choose from various WhatsApp numbers for different pages for sales, support, post-sales, or whatever you need.

Our WhatsApp plugin is simple, since we have invested all our experience in making sure its design and usability will cause zero friction when it comes time to use it as the ideal tol to raise your conversion rate.

As we mentioned previously, WhatsApp has become the preferred communication channel for users, especially in Latin America, and this is just as true for businesses.

The why is simple: using WhatsApp creates a greater sense of connection and increases speed when it comes to forming a connection with a brand.

And as we said at the beginning, having WhatsApp can make the difference for a company when it comes to generating sales.

This plugin can be used by companies with a modest infrastructure, but by large companies as well, since it is available for WordPress, Tumblr, websites, and landing pages.

As if that weren’t enough, the Zenvia Conversion interface is as simple to use as those the user is already accustomed to: not just in WhatsApp and WhatsApp Web, but also alternatives like WhatsApp Click to Chat or WhatsApp Help Chat Button.

Escrito por

Nahuel Gomez

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